Summer is nearly here, but many women are already hitting the beach, getting that very much missed tan! Those bikini bottoms are literally “out!”

Most women dread it, but bikini waxing is a much needed process to avoid strays and the embarrassment of having your nether regions showing hairs that should only be shared in “private” matters. Whether you’re a newbie or a regular bikini waxing customer, you most likely dread having to get it done.

bikini wax

The following are 5 helpful tips to help make your bikini waxing experience less trying and slightly more pleasant:

  1. Refrain from Alcoholic or Caffeine Beverages
  2. These two beverages are known to get you dehydrated. Coffee has caffeine which has a diuretic effect, making you produce urine. Alcohol causes you to urinate more than usual, causing your body to lose more fluid.

    In other words, drink plenty of water! Keeping yourself hydrated can loosen your pores, making it easier to pull the hairs. The last thing you would need is to make your skin more sensitive than it needs to be.

  3. Exfoliate
  4. Exfoliating can help maximize smooth skin area, avoiding bumps and even ingrown hairs. Anything to avoid having to revisit the area twice can make the experience a lot more pleasant.

  5. Try to Schedule Your Appointment Just After Your Period
  6. Your skin is also known to be most sensitive just before your period, but be strong and least sensitive during and after it. So give it your least painful chance by scheduling an appointment just after your period!

  7. Take Some Ibuprofen
  8. Even your doctor may ask you to take a painkiller just an hour before a minor procedure. It helps to keep you calm and feeling less pain.

  9. Take a Long Hot Shower or Bath
  10. Warm water helps to soften the skin and keep pores from being so restricted. Take a nice long, warm or hot bath to help your skin get nice and soft before you come in for your wax.

    Plus, a nice bath will also help you feel cleaner and more comfortable about the situation.

If you’re a bikini waxing virgin, rest assured that those who are not, have all been through any anxiety you might have. Tru Skin Rituals is a skincare spa, specializing in the things to help your skin feel and be more beautiful than ever! Comfort is in our name!